Friday, September 9, 2011


Oh, tricky Internets.

But really, I'd kind of like to believe that this photo was not 'shopped.

Best. Party. EVER!

Oh btw, have you seen Art is Better with Cats? If not, you should. Yes.


  1. The crazier the picture, the more likely it is to be real!

  2. have you allways used japanese reading order in your comics or have you switched a couple of days ago?

  3. G&C: Par-tay with the kittehs!

    R: Wait a minute...I actually don't know which is which anymore. Ok. I just checked in a manga i have and the bubbles read right to left. So isn't what I do the non-Japanese order?

  4. Well, now thatyoumention it in the first pannel I had to read left to right but in the secoundfrom right to left... I got a little bit confused, never mind ^^

  5. I really am bad at this ordering thing. I try to write the first speech bubble (or in my case...lack of a bubble) a bit higher than the second one, but it all gets confusing anyway. Maybe I SHOULD draw in bubbles so it's clearer. Also, I've been told that my handwriting is hard to read...lots of room for improvement!

  6. Hahahaa that picture. :D I love the grey cat so much, it's amazing.

  7. The grey cat IS awesome. I forget what the source photo looked like, but I want to find it now...!

  8. Found it!

  9. Bwahahaha surely that's shopped too? XD Actually... when WOULD a cat do something like that?

  10. This is also a good's possibly a photoshop of an already-photoshopped photo. Photo inception. ha!
