Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I spent about three years in Toronto for university, during which time I picked up the infamous Canadian "eh." I tend to forget how recognizable that habit is when I'm in Europe---most people think I'm just American because of my generic (well, whatever generic is) North American accent. But it was a dead give-away to the American girl that I was talking to the other day that I'd spent at least some time in Canada. It's really hard to hide it when you use "eh" like, 15 times in a matter of 3 minutes, eh.

The funny thing is, because I use "eh" so much, it's rubbed off on G as well. And G's British-pan-European English combined with the Canadian-eh-rubbed-off-from-Japanese-girlfriend makes for a pretty exotic combo.

Anyway, G and I are planning a trip to Toronto and NY in the summer, and I can't wait to go back to the land of Eh.


  1. Toronto and New York in the summer?? Fantastic! Lovely cartoon too, as always!!

  2. Thanks B! And jaaa! I'm really excited because I haven't been back in over 3 years. :) Yay!

  3. See you this summer, eh!

  4. T: Yeah, eh? (hahaha. That wasn't even on purpose!)

    Steflon: YEAHHHHHHHHH!
