Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I've never thought so long and hard about pig buttholes...


  1. OH HELL NO! A pigs ass tastes the same as seafood? No EFFIN' way! YUKK! Not buying this in any way, shape or form. Not only that, I can't find it anywhere online. Calling this a LIE!!!

    1. I hadn't heard anything about it either, but she said she heard it on This American Life? It was a really bad timing to bring it up (or I guess she brought it up) because we had fried calamari at the university cafeteria....ahem.

  2. Replies
    1. I LOVE deep-fried calamari and I would hate to think that it wasn't what I thought was eating...I also hope this is just some urban legend!

  3. HAAAAA you're thinbking about anal bleaching now and it's my fault lol
    I don't really care, I don't like calamari either...
    But just, usually, I rather not to know where my food came from, I fall back to my OCD when I do that.
    (When I was a kid I spent YEARS without eating meat simply because no one could prove their procedence to me)

    1. Oh my god bleaching! EEK. Although honestly I don't know where they're getting the calamari they serve at my uni cafeteria...
