Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Obvious Punchline


It's hard to believe that I've been away for nearly a year already. Yikes! It has been (and still is) a year of exciting changes (not to worry, G and I are still happily together). I'm still in school but was also working a lot and fell a bit out of the habit of drawing in general, but I hope I can start uploading a bit more regularly now. Also, my hair is super long now so I usually wear it in a bun or a ponytail. I am planning to chop it all off again soon though!

Anyway, I made a new-ish comic about my new-ish friend Rie (left), who is a wicked photographer. You can see her work here.

Feeling a bit rusty. Better brush up on those punch lines! 


  1. You're back! You're back! So glad to welcome you back!

    Err, i mean, nice to see a new post. Salutations of return.

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm sorry for the long wait! I hope I can keep this going a bit more regularly from now on!!!

  2. Wa-hoo! I hope to see more of this! Glad you're back.

    1. Big Mike! How are you? Sorry for the lo-o-o-ng break. Hopefully I can get back into the rhythm and post at least once a week from now on! :D

  3. Groovy! I'll be looking. Thanks.

  4. great! I hope you'll keep going, so I can binge-bonsai again soon! ;)
