Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hay fever -> itchy eyes -> rubbing itchy eyes -> new wrinkles around eyes -> look older?


  1. Aaaaaaaaah so cute. Love this post! I like the way you draw tired/wrinkly/baggy eyes. Okay, you draw them in the same way as others do, but... it works really well in the characters you draw.

  2. Awww, thanks! It's so interesting to get feedback because you realize that what YOU like and what the OTHERS like is sometimes completely different, ie. I didn't give much thought to this one, but you seem to like it. Same with the jeans one too! I always really appreciate your feedback. Thanks T!

  3. No prob, I just like your blog. :3 It's funny how it also reminds me to draw about events; "Oh yeah, I still have to make a comic about that!" etc. I'll try not to post comics about the same topic at the same time though. -_-'

  4. Please do! Actually, I've had to stop myself from posting similarly-themed comics to yours a number of times . . . but it might be fun to link it to yours!

  5. Okay, maybe I'll do that then. :)
