Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Love Globalization

Something my Aussie friend's German boyfriend said at the beginning of their relationship.

At least half of the couples that I know are intercultural/international couples. Or so I think. I should go take a FB poll.


  1. I love it (the 'sigh' is just right!) x

  2. Süß! It is missing the dramatic gap between "I love" and "globalization".

  3. B1: Aw, yay! Glad you approve. I think I use you as a subject often because you're probably one of the two people in the world who can make me laugh myself to tears on command.

    B2: Oops! I randomly remembered this adorable anecdote after I saw you the other day and had to draw it. :) I guess the dramatic pause would have made it a bit funnier . . . darn!

  4. So cute! There should be a series on quirky confessions, haha.
    A lot of the couples here at work are mixed too, but that's prolly because we have 9 languages here. :p

  5. Oooh, you should totally take a poll at work (and draw a cartoon) about all the interesting intercultural couple experiences!! Wait a minute, I should do that too..!!

  6. I agree with your friend's German boyfriend. I love globalization too! (Myself a Mexican and my girlfriend a Hongkonese)

  7. I know, eh! Who could have imagined such relationships years ago? A friend of mine's grandmother is from Ohio and her grandfather is from Egypt, and she showed me a local newspaper article from the 40s or 50s reporting their marriage. Craziness! That must have been a pretty impressive story back in the day.
