Monday, October 17, 2011

Evening Classes

A nice day with M at Tierpark Berlin (yes, I went back again). Now off to class:

ps. I drew this cartoon in class.


  1. oh it's the same with my changana class! i get a headache by the end of it.

  2. Except changana sounds infinitely more difficult than German...!

  3. Hahaha especially the comment 'I drew this cartoon in class'. XD I quit my German class, actually. :x You keep studying and giving the right example!

  4. Changana has the same rules German has, at times. Declinations or how the verb and adjective and pronoum change because of the word that precedes it. Instead of having 3 genders (die, der, das) Changana has 20 types of word classes, that work kind of like the 3 genders in German... X-P
    I don't know if it says anything, but the Swiss guy who knows German dropped out of class.

  5. p.s. i also like how you tagged the post with "zoo"

  6. Wait a minute....I just saw this. HOW DID I DO THAT?!

  7. That's why I'm not taking evening classes again this semester... :( My ended at 2200!

  8. 22:00 is ridiculous! SO late! It used to suck teaching evening classes to middle schoolers too, because they'd just conk out and fall asleep, which was actually quite understandable.
