Friday, May 11, 2012

Zine Zine Zine

I literally just finished printing, folding, cutting, and sewing up the first 10 copies of my first little zine, An Idiot's Guide to Dining with an Asian Mother. Phew. Oh wait. Oh shit. As I was writing that, I just remembered that I forgot to make the stamp that goes on the back cover of the zine. Crap! Ok. It's not completely finished, but soon! SOON! I still want to share this photo and tell the world that I am . . . almost . . . done.

Ok. Off to G's graduation now. 


  1. How serious are you about that? Can I have one? :)

    1. How do you mean how serious? And yes, of course you can have one. :D Sorry I didn't reply to your text, but I think this weekend is also a little bit tight...

  2. i want one too! We can trade! I will eventually make a zine out of "My life and loves" or "Pigs in Heat". Except Pigs in Heat hasn't ended up. The pigs are forever in heat.

    1. YEAHHHHHHH! I was going to send you one anyway, but I'm suuuuuperexcited about YOUR zine! How's the postal service in Mozambique?

  3. WOW so cool :D I´ll get one also! (K)

  4. I want one too! And pay for it and all that shizzle!

    1. Aw, awesome Charlotte, thanks! I'll post an update today about buying one!
