Monday, April 23, 2012

We've just met

I babysat these really awesome girls aged 7 and 9 last night. I think I got really lucky because they were really, really sweet and we spent a good chunk of the time together playing Wii and drawing comics. It's been so long since I've last interacted with kids and I'd forgotten how fun they can be. I also got about a week's worth of comic material . . . ha!

昨日はすっごく明るい7歳と9歳の女の子たちのシッターをしてきました。本当に良い子達でラッキーだった上、彼女たちのおもしろ発言だけで1週間分ぐらいのネタゲット。笑 子供ってホントに面白い!


  1. Nice use of minimalist backgrounds with some perspective!

  2. Thanks Josh! Yay for a wee bit of perspective! :)

  3. Hahahahaha oh gosh, you could just do a blog about things that kids say and do :D (K)

  4. K, with all the stories you stocked up on during your time at the kindergarten....I think you could write like, FIVE entries a day. Your kindergarten stories are seriously the best!
