Tuesday, November 15, 2011

German Etiquette

Football is kinda important, apparently.


  1. So true. And if you're not sure if the person you want to call is a soccer fan or not, be safe and only call after the game anyways ;D

  2. So it IS true! I thought G was making it up!!

  3. No, it's really true.
    If the person is a fan of a certain team (you know, playing in the Bundesliga) you also don't call during the games of that team.
    But for those you miiiight be forgiven if you have no idea bout soccer.
    During a national game... no. Just no.

  4. Same applies to "Tatort", a popular German TV crime series: Do not call anyone on Sunday nights between 8:15 and 9:45, as a general rule!

  5. No kidding?! I once had to watch Tatort as "homework" for my German class. HAHA. I actually missed it though, and I've yet to see it. I'd better get on that!
