Thursday, August 9, 2012

Things that are hard to eat in one bite


  1. Sushi! Most rolls are almost small enough to eat in one bite, but you usually end up not looking very ladylike attempting to do so :)

    1. This is true! Sushi is deceptive and actually quite hard to eat. I usually just shove them into my mouth in one go . . . bahaha

  2. awesome! i'm trying to think what else is hard to eat in one bite...

    1. COMIC COMIC COMIC! I want to see your pigself eating something big in one bite...

  3. This post is so true. Speaking of sushi, well not really sushi but, I have a friend who makes the fattest kimbap ever. Those are really difficult to eat nicely in one bite.

  4. thanks to genetics i have no problem with those things XD

    1. What? What do you mean?! G says, "He probably has a big mouth!"

  5. These two are so brilliantly made and so true! I recognize the exploding effect of cherry tomatoes very well =)

    1. Thanks Jostein! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one that occasionally gets tomato juice all over herself (and stuff/people around her)!

    2. Well, I actually avoid eating whole cherry tomatoes if I can, just for that specific reason XD But yeah, they can make a mess... Hey, let's just say that it's not your fault! :)

  6. so true. Once I bit into a cherry tomato and a tomato juice projectile shot out of my mouth and landed on the table. Luckily not on someone else. Those things should come with a warning label. I also have a hard time eating soup dumpling...they are too big for one bite but if you don't eat it in one bite then you lose all the soup. Really need some good chopstick skills for those as well because you can lose the soup before you can get it into your mouth. But if you are able to eat one...deeelicish :P

    1. HAHAHA! Projectile! That's the word I was looking for.
      And yes, soup dumplings are so hard to eat! But so delicious! Especially when they're hot, and you end up burning the roof of your mouth with the hot soup, but soooooo good! OH man.

    2. That just made me so hungry I think I'm going to eat cup noodles now (it's almost midnight...).

  7. BWAHAHAHAHAHAA I need to link to this comic somewhere. I'm sure I have a cherry tomato comic SOMEWHERE! XD So awesome, and the use of colour is great!

    1. Thanks Tze!! And ooh, I want to see it! Dig it up and updateeeeee! (or send link!)
