Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chin hair

Speaking of unwanted facial hair, G gets them too...!


  1. I have loads of those no pain shaving creams... i don't know how it's called outside Brazil. It's this cream you put on and wipe it off and it takes the hair with it. It's awesome because when I see one little hair I get nuts to take it off.

    1. Thanks P. It's funny because every time I get this, it reminds me of an old lady who used to work at my university who had a neck beard, and it makes me feel like I'm turning into her. Slowly.

  2. I get unwanted chin hair as well, it is so frustrating. I also had a teacher with a neck beard, gosh I hope I don't turn in her. T^T

    1. My great aunt also had a neck beard...things are not looking so good on the facial hair front for me...bah!
