Tuesday, August 5, 2014


It's something I constantly struggle with -- this caring too much about what other people think. It gets better with age, but I still have a long way to go before I can say "Screw this, I do what I want!"


  1. It's ok to care, but this is YOUR baby. There are folks who don't like anything. You can't help them so don't worry about them. My bride said it best when her sister was worrying about our youngest sons wedding plans and what the other relatives might think. All Kathy said was "FU@K 'EM!". I believe that sums it up nicely. Oh by the way, I love your slice of life work. Keep it up. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Big Mike! You're the best, and Kathy sounds like an awesome lady as well. Prost to that! I realize this is a part of my personality I have to work on in general, but I think I'm getting better at it. Hopefully I'll be as tough as Kathy one day soon!

  2. I stopped caring. It's awesome and I can tell strangers about my bowel movements without feeling shame.

    1. HAHAHAHA! Good on you! I think that's still information I only disclose to G and my parents...hahaha!!!!
