Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Nozomi Goes to the Gym

I kind of mentioned it in passing in the comic, but G, his parents and I are going to Japan for a few weeks (it's their first time)! I also kind of realized that working out now is kind of useless considering I'll be stuffing my face with Japanese food in just a few days, but hey. It's the thought that counts. Btw, the "round face" comic I'm referring to is this one: Asian Parents.


  1. Ahh did you change your site? It's very clean-looking. :D
    I can relate, currently struggling with getting back in shape for the spring track season. I do P90X, but it only works if you really get into it.

    1. Thanks, I wanted it to look simpler and brighter!
      What's the P90X? Is it also pilates?

    2. Oh geez, P90X is basically a super-intense work out that involves a bunch of different exercises, but there was one section of pilates. Pilates are pretty weird, I didn't get the whole breathing pattern thing.

  2. enjoy your trip! i kinda put on weight after i got back from osaka/kyoto. sigh

  3. Tell "G" the first and second rule of "Fight Club", even if there is an interview.

  4. the funny thing is that last year your blog inspired me to take german classes and i am loving it. and i just started taking zumba classes about two weeks ago and the feeling is absolutely that: it's embarassiing, it's filled with a sexiness which i do not possess and it is hardcore as hell - BUT I LOVED IT SO DAMN MUCH. :)

  5. and congratulations on the new blog layout! looks very nice :)

  6. So looking forward to your Japan report with family + family! Such an awesome happening. Yes, you must report with pages of comics. There is no going back. Commit!
